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Wood Dale Domestic Violence Attorney

fear of domestic violenceYou have the right to safety in your own home. If you feel that you are in danger of, or have been a victim of physical abuse, harassment, unlawful confinement, or are being denied necessary medication from a person within your household, then you have the option to take legal action to help protect yourself.

An experienced Wood Dale Domestic Violence Attorney can assist with obtaining a protective order, as well as help you create a plan for personal protection. You also have the right to act on behalf of your minor children, or disabled adults within your household who may not have the ability to obtain legal protection for themselves.

Call John Buchmiller & Associates, LLC at (312) 313-9578 for a Free Consultation!

Obtaining an Order of Protection

getting an order of protectionAn Order of Protection is a court order that prohibits an abuser from continuing abuse. Domestic violence matters often require immediate attention. A domestic violence lawyer can quickly act on your behalf to help you obtain an Emergency Protective Order that will be valid for 14-21 days. The alleged abuser is not given prior notice that an Emergency Protective Order is going into place, in order to protect the victims from further abuse.

There is also an option to have the courts enter an Interim Order of Protection, effective for up to 30 days, while awaiting court appearances. After an evidentiary hearing has taken place, the courts can enter a Plenary Order of Protection that can be effective for up to 2 years. All protection orders can include components such as prohibiting abuse, stay-away orders, exclusive possession of marital residence, and child custody.

Protective Order Violations

parents fighting in front of childKnowingly disobeying a protective order is a crime punishable by law.

Any law enforcement officer who has probable cause that an order has been violated, whether they have seen the violation take place or not, can make an immediate arrest without a warrant.

Wood Dale, IL takes domestic violence and protection order violations very seriously.

Free Consultation with an Experienced Domestic Violence Lawyer

Wood Dale Domestic Violence Attorney logo 1 300x75If you are concerned for the safety of yourself, your children, or other members of your household, due to potential violence or neglect from another household member, reach out to a qualified Wood Dale Domestic Violence Lawyer immediately. They can help to explain the process for obtaining protection, and assist you in putting protective measures in place. If you have been wrongfully accused of domestic violence, and are looking for representation and assistance, we can help as well.

Call John Buchmiller & Associates, LLC at (312) 313-9578 for a Free Consultation!