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Woodridge Adoption Attorney

father with childExpanding your family to include an adopted child can be a challenging but extremely rewarding experience. There are many different types of adoption, including step-parent adoption, co-parent adoption, grandparent adoption, relative adoption, international adoption, and adoption from birth parents.

Regardless of the type of adoption you desire to obtain, guidance and assistance from an experienced Woodridge Adoption Attorney can help to make this time-consuming and complex process more manageable.

Call John Buchmiller & Associates, LLC at (312) 313-9578 for a Free Consultation!

Step-Parent & Co-Parent Adoption

same sex adoptionThese are the most common forms of adoption, in which the child being adopted is the biological child of the spouse of the person who wishes to adopt. With step-parent adoption, the child becomes the legal responsibility of the step-parent, and the birth parent’s rights are terminated.

Co-parent adoption applies to same sex couples where one party is the biological parent of the child. With a co-parenting adoption, the non-biological parent obtains rights to decision making, such as educational options and medical care.

Grandparent & Relative Adoption

adoptionRelative adoption is when you adopt a child who is already part of your extended family. This is common with young mothers, or those who are facing legal or mental issues which may impact their ability to raise their child themselves. Standby Adoption is similar to relative adoption, except that it would be enacted upon the passing of the biological parents. The purpose of stand-by adoption is so that the child will become the responsibility of an approved family member that they are already familiar with.

International & Birth Parent Adoption

adoption of new babyThese types of adoption occur when the child that you wish to adopt is not already part of your immediate or extended family. These are the most challenging adoptions to obtain, but can have a very high reward as well. Saving a child from circumstances where they are unwanted or are unable to be cared for can make your relationship with that child even more special. There are many options regarding international and direct adoptions, so working with an experienced Woodridge, IL Family Lawyer is crucial to navigating this challenging process.

Free Consultation with an Experienced Adoption Lawyer

Woodridge Adoption Attorney logo 1 300x75Regardless of the type of adoption you are looking to obtain, you need a dedicated Woodridge Adoption Lawyer on your side. Adoption often requires background checks, mounds of paperwork, and can be a lengthy process. A family law professional will not only explain what your adoption options are, they can help to clarify the adoption process, and will represent your case in courts, with adoption agencies, and birth parents. We are here for you!

Call John Buchmiller & Associates, LLC at (312) 313-9578 for a Free Consultation!